Episode 72 – Uğur Mumcu’s Choice
Retrospecticus rides the Whiplash (to be completed in 2026) on January 21st 1993 with Gareth’s thoughts on “Selma’s Choice”, a choice no less impactful for its later reversal, whilst Tom covers the assassination of the fearless Turkish investigative journalist Uğur Mumcu three days later. Along the way we’ll cover the epic history of Türkiye, exclusively […]

Episode 71 – IBM versus the Monorail
Episode 71 sees our regular intro finally come to fruition as Garreth tackles “Marge Vs The Monorail”, an all-time top-tier stone cold classic! They’ll tie themself in knots with a mega Leonard Nimoy crossover and discuss the ominous return of some omnipresent nineties chart-botherers. After a record number of Memeable Moments, Tom somehow still has […]

Episode 70 – The Czech Republic’s Triple Bypass
Episode 70, and it’s accidentally seasonal as Garreth looks at the nearest episode to Christmas 1992, “Homer’s Triple Bypass”, and Tom talks “Velvet Divorce” as we wave goodbye to Czechoslovakia. Along the way we’ll address the Twitter elephant in the room, serve up more defenestrations than is strictly healthy and present possibly the worst Randy […]

Episode 69 – Charles and Diana’s First Word
It’s episode 69 – nice! – and we’re playing witness to “Lisa’s First Word”, which first aired on 3 December 1992, just as the final word was being said on Prince Charles and Diana, Princess of Wales’ marriage. Yes, we’re taking the most ill-timed trip to Buckingham Palace ever! (It was taped before last Thursday, […]

Episode 68 – Mr Windsor Castle Fire
Aliens, bio-duplication, nude conspiracies – none of these are why Retrospecticus took a long break, but we’ll explain why, whilst Garreth ploughs through the stone cold classic, “Mr Plow”, with tons of pure West and a visit to Crazy Vaclav’s! Then Tom will talk about the fire at the Royal Family’s second home, Pizza Express […]

Episode 66 – Marge Gets Mortal Kombat
Episode 66, and we’re gassing Tom Jones in “Marge Gets A Job”, first shown on 5 November 1992 – a mere month after Mortal Kombat first cut a bloody swathe through the arcades! Along the way we’ll fight the creature from the wrong lagoon, complain about sexism in fighting games and finally reveal the blood […]