Tag: selma

Episode 72 – Uğur Mumcu’s Choice
Retrospecticus rides the Whiplash (to be completed in 2026) on January 21st 1993 with Gareth’s thoughts on “Selma’s Choice”, a choice no less impactful for its later reversal, whilst Tom covers the assassination of the fearless Turkish investigative journalist Uğur Mumcu three days later. Along the way we’ll cover the epic history of Türkiye, exclusively […]
Episode 27 – Principal Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization
Love and fury are in the air, as we discuss Valentines Day 1991’s “Principal Charming” and the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization between tirades about the death of British democracy. Along the way we’ll take in sodium bonding conundrums, local tapas restaurants and how to invent fictional herbicides without arousing suspicions. You can thank us […]