Tag: marge

Episode 66 – Marge Gets Mortal Kombat
Episode 66, and we’re gassing Tom Jones in “Marge Gets A Job”, first shown on 5 November 1992 – a mere month after Mortal Kombat first cut a bloody swathe through the arcades! Along the way we’ll fight the creature from the wrong lagoon, complain about sexism in fighting games and finally reveal the blood […]
Episode 61 – A Streetcar Named Sinéad O’Connor
It’s episode 61, and “A Streetcar Named Marge” sees Marge treading the boards, while Sinéad O’Connor rips up a photo of Pope John Paul II on Saturday Night Live. Along the way we’ll meet a singing dentist and possibly upset the Catholic Church – probably should have stuck with the singing dentist, then… In all […]
Episode 50 – The Maastricht Treaty Alone
Retrospecticus has reached the big five-oh, so we celebreate by talking about “Homer Alone”, the episode that sees Marge snap through stress and visit Rancho Relaxo, while Homer tries and fails to look after Maggie. The episode was first broastcast the day before the Maastricht treaty was signed, so we tell the story of how […]
Episode 47 – I Married the Dissolution of the Soviet Union
So it’s come to this: the end of the Soviet Union, with a suitably nostalgic partner in “I Married Marge”. Along the way we’ll impersonate a world leader, say another goodbye to Freddie Mercury, and visit with a different Crazy Otto. And you’ll never believe who’s advertising Pizza Hut. If you enjoy the show, please […]
Episode 24 – One Fish, Street Fighter 2 Fish, Blowfish, Bluefish
It’s a bumper episode of Super Retrospecticus: Turbo Champion Edition, as we tackle Homer’s last day on Earth in “One Fish…” and the release of Street Fighter 2. We’ll teach you all about compound time and tetrodotoxin, stop in with West Brom’s greatest modern forward line, and Tom will sing terrace classics in the opera […]
Episode 9 – Imelda Marcos on the Fast Lane
This week on the show we discuss “Life on the Fast Lane”, an episode that sees Homer buy a bowling ball for himself as a Birthday present and Marge tempted by Jacques, a suave bowling coach with a French-ish accent. For the history we tell the story of Imelda Marcos, the former First Lady of […]